"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."


Glenn Reynolds:

Barack Obama:
"Impossible to transcend."

Albert A. Gore, Jr.:
"An incontinent brute."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"God damn the Gentleman Farmer."

Friends of GF's Sons:
"Is that really your dad?"

Kickball Girl:
"Keeping 'em alive until 7:45."

Hired Hand:
"I think . . . we forgot the pheasant."

I'm an
Alcoholic Yeti
in the
TTLB Ecosystem

Friday, July 29, 2005

Sex & Gravity

As Christians, we believe that the universe is governed by laws, both physical and moral. There's gravity and inertia, and there's chastity and modesty, to name some useful ones. Foolish folk will suggest that one set of rules may not be violated, while the other set are optional. They are, perhaps, unfamiliar with the Mars Rover, on the one hand, and the teenaged junky hooker, on the other.

Today's secular world, governed by the heavy hand of the Fundamentalist Church of Secular Orthodoxy, would like to pretend that there are no moral questions. But those tedious, trying universal laws keep tripping them up. As a neighbor of ours is fond of observing, this means only that moral questions are instead posed by communicants of the FCSO in the form: "In the absence of gravity, how will two planets interact?"

In the absence of a fundamental law governing the behavior of physical bodies, it's anybody's guess what they might do. There are no "right" answers. One answer seems about as good as another, since we realize very quickly that -- apart from the rules -- there just aren't any valid answers. There aren't any answers that inspire any confidence that they will work. And that is the goal of every question, is it not? To obtain an answer that will work.

This brings us to today's observation. Planned Parenthood, an important arm of the Fundamentalist Church of Secular Orthodoxy, has long been a particular target of our friend Dawn Eden. And today The Dawn Patrol focuses on PP's answer to the following question, ostensibly posed by a teenaged boy on the PP website particularly maintained by that organization to dispense deadly sex advice to our children:

Im 14, im a guy. I thought i was bi, but the other day, i let a guy have sex with me, i didnt like it that much, i told him to stop, but he kept doing it, was that rape?
Here in the real world -- where gravity helps to provide order -- the answer to this question would necessarily address at least the following wrong things implied by this question: homosexuality; unchastity; probable exploitation by a predatory adult.

Planned Parenthood's answer, on the other hand, must be provided in that pretend universe where gravity and inertia are quaint superstitions, unfit concepts for the thoroughly modern. It is a disordered universe, governed by indulgence of the self. Their answer, in the absence of morality, comes down to:
We all have the right to say no to sex — whether we're guys or girls, and whether we're bisexual, gay, lesbian, or straight.
These blind guides strain at the gnat of "choice" and swallow the camels of homosexuality, unchastity and sexual exploitation.

And you thought they killed only the very young. A failure of imagination, my friend; a failure of imagination.

O Brave new world, that has such people in't!

Comments on "Sex & Gravity"


Blogger Yeoman said ... (10:12 AM) : 

Having forgotten which way the winds blow, we're adrift and don't even realize it.

And then we're surprised when we run aground, smash into the reef, and sink.

A sad state of affairs.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:18 AM) : 

Dear Planned Parenthood: I'm 14. I was playing in a cobra's pit the other day and broke my arm. Should I go to a doctor for a cast?

Dear 14: Certainly. And you might want to take some bandaids with you the next time you go into the cobra pit. Have fun, and be safe! Love, Planned Parenthood


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