"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."


Glenn Reynolds:

Barack Obama:
"Impossible to transcend."

Albert A. Gore, Jr.:
"An incontinent brute."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"God damn the Gentleman Farmer."

Friends of GF's Sons:
"Is that really your dad?"

Kickball Girl:
"Keeping 'em alive until 7:45."

Hired Hand:
"I think . . . we forgot the pheasant."

I'm an
Alcoholic Yeti
in the
TTLB Ecosystem

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back to Work

Both the Gentleman Farmer and his Hired Hand will be back to work on Monday. There have been events here and there that require comment, and there is even a new blog to which your attention might be given. Just as soon as we're done with the plowing, we'll be back for a talk.

Comments on "Back to Work"


Blogger Yeoman said ... (2:50 PM) : 

Nice photo.


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