"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."


Glenn Reynolds:

Barack Obama:
"Impossible to transcend."

Albert A. Gore, Jr.:
"An incontinent brute."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"God damn the Gentleman Farmer."

Friends of GF's Sons:
"Is that really your dad?"

Kickball Girl:
"Keeping 'em alive until 7:45."

Hired Hand:
"I think . . . we forgot the pheasant."

I'm an
Alcoholic Yeti
in the
TTLB Ecosystem

Thursday, June 16, 2005

You're Welcome

Glad to do it. Don't mention it, mate.

Comments on "You're Welcome"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:59 AM) : 

This is wonderful. It's best read aloud--preferably in an accent and inflection simulating that of the fellow on the "Crocodile Hunter" show, or whatever it's called. (You know--the fellow who got in trouble for letting his kids near the croc. "Crikey!" That guy. Read it as he'd say it.) --DGus


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