"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."


Glenn Reynolds:

Barack Obama:
"Impossible to transcend."

Albert A. Gore, Jr.:
"An incontinent brute."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"God damn the Gentleman Farmer."

Friends of GF's Sons:
"Is that really your dad?"

Kickball Girl:
"Keeping 'em alive until 7:45."

Hired Hand:
"I think . . . we forgot the pheasant."

I'm an
Alcoholic Yeti
in the
TTLB Ecosystem

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Zhong Jiaxiang, R.I.P.

According to the online English version of the China Daily, 86-year-old grandmother Zhong Jiaxiang was found dead on the morning of May 23. Given her age, the family apparently thought it foolish -- and perhaps expensive -- to summon a doctor. In any event they did not, but proceeded to plan "a grand funeral" for this noble ancestor:
She was dressed up and laid in a coffin, and more than 200 relatives and friends attended her funeral in Xingshan County of Hubei Province.
But the next morning, as mourners touched her hand in farewell, "she suddenly woke up." There the story ends, except to note that doctors said "she might have suffered temporary shock," a conclusion we must assume has lost something in translation.

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