"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."


Glenn Reynolds:

Barack Obama:
"Impossible to transcend."

Albert A. Gore, Jr.:
"An incontinent brute."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"God damn the Gentleman Farmer."

Friends of GF's Sons:
"Is that really your dad?"

Kickball Girl:
"Keeping 'em alive until 7:45."

Hired Hand:
"I think . . . we forgot the pheasant."

I'm an
Alcoholic Yeti
in the
TTLB Ecosystem

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

G&S Liveblogs the State of the Union

Beer in hand, mouse in the other, the Hired Hand aspires to provide you with the best in SOTU coverage, or at least the most wry.

(10:09 pm) We think you've had enough. You're on your own for Tim Kaine. Thanks to all our...reader.

(10:04 pm) Prez shakes Obama's hand, passes by Harry Reid. Frist whispers afterwards, "Meet us by the oak tree after school. Bring your blade and I'll show you what cloture is all about."

(10:02 pm) "History is turning in a wide arc toward an unknown shore... And so we move forward, remembering never to mix business with mixed metaphors." And it's over. 51 minute speech.

(9:59 pm) Bush gets to Katrina (though not by name) about an hour in.

(9:55 pm) Bush throws out some stats that prove our kids are doing well. Drug use is down 19% since 2001. He stops short of invoking those titillating figures on oral sex among teens we heard awhile back.

(9:53 pm) Improving math and science. All these ideas are pretty vague. Meg Spellings looks like she might have gotten left behind.

(9:51 pm) Ethanol? "Practical and competitive within six years." Well, at least the Iowa delegation is happy. Reducing our imports of Middle Eastern oil by 75% before 2025? Somebody in the White House reads Tom Friedman. Better.

(9:48 pm) Bill Frist got a little uncomfortable when the President said "OB/GYN," didn't he?

(9:45 pm) AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE! This guy is turning into Clinton!

(9:42 pm) "The rising cost of entitlements isn't - is a cost that is not going to go away!" Interesting, a new push for Social Security reform.

(9:40 pm) Calvin Coolidge also presided over 4 years of uninterrupted economic growth (more like 7). Be careful what you take credit for.

(9:37 pm) Freedom must be pretty freakin' tired by now, having been on the march for at least 3 years.

(9:35 pm) Reauthorize the PATRIOT Act. And now, the surveillance program. "It remains essential to the security of America." Hillary Clinton gives a smile so full of incredulity it hurts.

(9:31 pm) "The Iranian government cannot be permitted to obtain nuclear weapons." Um, who's gonna do that?

(9:29 pm) Bush refers to Egypt's (cough) and Palestine's elections - demanding negotiation with Israel from Hamas. Of course, they'd have to, you know, recognize them first.

(9:26 pm EST) MAYOR ANTHONY WILLIAMS! Bowtie sightings: 2, with Tom Olyphant on Newshour.

(9:23 pm EST) Apparently only Republicans hate "politicians in Washington, DC."

(9:20 pm EST) Anti-isolationism rant. Does anyone REALLY think we should not do anything? Also, I'd love to see our 'clear plan toward victory' in Iraq.

(9:17 pm EST) Straight into Iraq and the war on terror. More freedom and democracy, everywhere = Fewer Terrorists. No mention of Hamas.

(9:14 pm EST) Best friend of Hired Hand is excited for his first Hi-Def SOTU. He's kind of disappointed that "the new Supreme Court Justices didn't act like rookies at the Superbowl and bring their camcorders."

(9:12 pm EST) Bush leads with Coretta Scott King. Take that, Kanye!

(9:10 pm EST) The President has arrived. Lehrer is giving us a run for the "most wry" award. "Look at the President's bright new blue tie!"

(9:06 pm EST) Fashion update: they had 90 days to fit Sam Alito for a robe, and it's 2 sizes too big. Also, Condi Rice seems to be wearing the most recent issue of the Chanel Canine Line.

(9:03 pm EST) We're switching to PBS, the dulcet tones of Paula Zahn notwithstanding.

(9:02 pm EST) CNN has made its first "the Supreme Court has moved at least 2 or 3 steps to the right since last year at this time." Now, tilt your head a little bit, and say cheese!

(9:01 pm EST) Shut up, Wolf Blitzer. Chief Justice Roberts is in the building.

Comments on "G&S Liveblogs the State of the Union"


Blogger Selfish Country Music Loving Lady said ... (9:15 AM) : 


Anyway, I missed the SoTU because of rehearsal, and I'm a little sad to admit: this is the first commentary I've seen so far (the very vague descriptions in the NPR news rundown don't count -- "he talked about Iraq!"). So thanks!


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