Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
He Makes it Sound Like a BAD Thing
His ideological rigidity would result in a de facto government shutdown wherein almost all legislation would require a two-thirds majority in both houses in order to override Paul's veto.
Labels: Politics
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Creative Investments
On Feb. 17, 2009 — the day Obama signed into law his $787 billion stimulus bill — gold was selling at $970 an ounce. For a mere $600 billion, we could have bought two ounces of gold for every man, woman and child in America, and the value of that investment would today be more than $1 trillion, or $3,514 per capita, a net gain of 81 percent.
Labels: Obama Affective Disorder
Songs of a Sourdough
"There are strange things done in the midnight sun . . . ."
How about Hugh Antoine d'Arcy?
. . . . did you ever see a girl, for whom your soul you'd give,
With a form like Venus De Milo, too beautiful to live,
With eyes that would beat the Koh-i-noor,
And a wealth of chestnut hair?
Labels: Poetry
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hope & Change
Back in April, 2009, this White House release touted "The Obama-Biden economic plan: creating jobs, strengthening the economy for Massachusetts families." Within the showcase of Massachusetts Miracles produced by the Federal Government's stimulus grants was Evergreen Solar, and the White House quoted the Boston Globe:
"Evergreen Solar, the Marlborough-based maker of solar panels, also is hoping to hire 90 to 100 people at a manufacturing plant in Devens, said Gary Pollard, vice president of human resources. The plant, which opened last summer, is expected to employ more than 800 when it reaches full capacity."New jobs, green energy, buckets of federal tax credits and grants to customers, and federal cash to the state for direct grants to the company.
Then comes the Change!
Today's Boston Globe reports:
Evergreen Solar Inc., the once promising alternative energy company that received millions in state subsidies, revealed today that that it has voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.Money ---> toilet ---> flush ---> repeat.
Headquartered in Marlborough, Evergreen makes solar cells. Struggling with low-price competition from Chinese rivals, it shut its manufacturing plant in Devens in March and cut hundreds of jobs at the facility.
As part of its reorganization activities, Evergreen Solar said it will reduce its US and European workforce by about 65 people, including suspension of operations at its facility in Midland, Mich.
Labels: Obama Affective Disorder
This Exists
No, really. Because in the crayon world of pink horses, purple cars, and orange monsters, it's important for every little girl to recognize that Uncle Phil's skin color is slightly different from hers. Come the revolution, that will be critical.
Labels: Suicide of the West
Sunday, August 14, 2011
It all starts with a vision . . .
It all starts with a vision . . .
Labels: We've Seen the Future
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Al Gore Lives in an Alternate Reality
Listen for yourself:
Best comment at Soundcloud: "Al Gore thinks the sun is bullshit?"
Labels: al Gore, Apocalypse Now
Just So
Labels: Suicide of the West
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Monday, August 08, 2011
Film at 11
On July 24th 2011, Dep. Knight and Dep. Eisenmerger responded to an apartment complex on Borough Park Drive for the report of a sexual assault. The alleged victim stated to the deputies that her 26 year old male friend had sexually assaulted her. Upon further investigation the deputies watched a video recording the male had made that showed the female telling him that she was calling the police because he was making her leave the apartment and she would tell the police he assaulted her. The 25 year old female was taken into custody for making a False Report.
Labels: Modern Life
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Friday, August 05, 2011
Rules of the Internet
Rule 62.1: it is usually a bad idea to email them to anyone.
Rule 62.2: it is always bad when the news story includes the phrase "posted them on Facebook."
Labels: Modern Life
The Mask Slips
I've been reminded of this as I read that "Tea Party" (whatever that means) members of Congress were no better than terrorists, or that they held America hostage, or that they constituted the Hezbollah wing of the Republican Party. These aren't arguments, and they suggest that the speaker either has nothing substantive to say, or thinks his audience is too stupid to understand.
I had not considered that there is a rhetorical step beyond the "that's stupid" non-argument. But apparently there is. It's the "that's so stupid the other side shouldn't be allowed to say it in the first place" view. If there is an argument to which you know you have no effective response, what could be better than to rig the system so that that argument can't be made in the first place? That way, you're relieved of responding, and don't run the risk that your unpersuasive non-argument will reveal that you don't actually have anything to say.
Enter the senior senator from Massachusetts, the Honorable John Forbes Kerry, who has clearly just about had it with people making arguments to which he has no coherent, understandable effective response:
Personally, I think persons who don't know the meaning of the word "literally" should be prohibited from using it.
Labels: End Times
Fundamental Questions of Constitutional Law
Labels: In The News
Thursday, August 04, 2011
What are we missing here?
BALTIMORE (WJZ)—Police are using a sketch and a description to search for the man behind a violent assault. He punched and threatened a woman on the side of a busy highway all because of a fender bender.The authorities are asking for help from the public, and have released one of those police sketches of the suspect:
The story is being covered for the local television station, WJZ, by a fellow named Mike Hellgren. Here's a picture of Mr. Hellgren:
Labels: Weird News
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Vogue's idea of a "plus-sized" model:
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
They Just Don't Get It
No, Chris, it's more like they're the skinny kid whose mom sends him to school with carrot sticks for lunch. The k00l kidz (like you, Chris), make fun of him, but he eats 'em anyway, and doesn't even sneak a Twinkie.
Labels: Suicide of the West
Science Marches On
Neither death nor illnesses attributed to tree turkeys, apparently.
Labels: News You Can't Use
Monday, August 01, 2011
Modern Life
![]() | |
Not Norman |
More HERE.
Labels: Modern Life
August 1, 1981
Labels: Music