"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing."


Glenn Reynolds:

Barack Obama:
"Impossible to transcend."

Albert A. Gore, Jr.:
"An incontinent brute."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
"God damn the Gentleman Farmer."

Friends of GF's Sons:
"Is that really your dad?"

Kickball Girl:
"Keeping 'em alive until 7:45."

Hired Hand:
"I think . . . we forgot the pheasant."

I'm an
Alcoholic Yeti
in the
TTLB Ecosystem

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Old Man Eloquent

After having served a single term as President, John Quincy Adams "retired" to the House of Representatives, where he served until his death (in the House chamber) in 1848, at the age of 81. In his later years his unstinting -- some might say pestiferous -- opposition to slavery, coupled with his persuasive public speaking, earned him the nickname "Old Man Eloquent."

Edward M. Kennedy, senior senator from Mr. Adams' Massachusetts, might himself claim that title these days, as his actions and proclivities speak eloguently of moral, intellectual, and political bankruptcy. Mr. Kennedy has spent much of this week badgering Sam Alito about the judge's membership in an organization of Princeton alums formed in the mid 1970s to oppose various changes then new, proposed, or in the offing at Aaron Burr's alma mater. Among the things on the table, of course, was coeducation and racial quotas.

It is now clear that Judge Alito had no active role in the organization, was not a major contributor, and is not even mentioned in the records of Bill Rusher, former publisher of National Review, and a founder of the group. Rusher himself has already said that he can't recall Alito at all.

Of course all organizations attract a spectrum of folks. Every organization has its share of cranks. And, it seems, one or another of the cranks belonging to this Princeton alumni organization wrote some rather intemperate things in the newsletter the group published.

Enter Senator Kennedy.

If Judge Alito ever had any connection to this organization -- Teddy reasoned -- and if any member of the organization ever said anything bizarre or outrageous, why then Sam Alito must be a racist, sexist, elitist bastard, unfit for the company of civilized people, let alone a seat on the Supreme Court. No one connected (however tentatively) could escape the stain. Case closed.

Of course, that Senator Kennedy should use such McCarthyesque tactics is hardly surprising. We may presume that Senator Ted learned from elder brother Bobby, who himself learned from the master himself, during his tenure working for Tailgunner Joe. (You didn't know that Bobby Kennedy worked for Joe McCarthy as Assistant Counsel to Roy Cohn? Tsk. Tsk. What do they teach in the schools these days?)

Well, it seems that life is never as simple as it may appear to be. The Washington Times is reporting that Teddy himself belongs right this minute (not 30 years ago) to a club whose membership policies are so virulent as to have caused it to be thrown off the Harvard campus. The Times explains:
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy belongs to a social club for Harvard students and alumni that was evicted from campus nearly 20 years ago after refusing to allow female members.

According to the online membership directory of the Owl Club, the Massachusetts Democrat updated his personal information -- including the address of his home that is in his wife's name -- on Sept. 7.

The club has long been reviled on campus as "sexist" and "elitist" and, in 1984, was booted from the university for violating federal anti-discrimination laws, authored by Mr. Kennedy.
Could we make this up? We could not. Read the whole story HERE.

Comments on "Old Man Eloquent"


Blogger Chris said ... (8:16 PM) : 

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Blogger Gentleman Farmer said ... (10:13 PM) : 

True enough. But you STILL didn't know that Bobby Kennedy worked for Joe McCarthy & Roy Cohn.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:17 AM) : 

The Owl Club? Who cares? If you want to play the guilt-by-association game with Ted Kennedy, you don't really have to go any further than the fact that he is believed to be a member of (gasp) the Democratic Party. Over the years, the Democratic Party has counted among its ranks the most virulent racists in the history of the Republic. Check out the career of Senator Bilbo of Mississippi, for instance.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:58 AM) : 

And there's Grand Klaxon Bobby Byrd too, of course, the KKK recruiter. The Dems not only suffer him to be in their party, but elected him to be their Senate Leader for 11 years.


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